Monday, December 31, 2007

The Skinny on Christmas

It's been a while, my friends. My winter break has had its ups and downs, that's for sure.

Notable events include: taking Rowdy to the beach, Christmas at my grandma's, spending time with the family, sleeping late, eating at Cheese Bunny, catching up on my reading and movie list, and visiting Castaways.

I suppose 'tis the season for changes and resolutions. I have made my own.

It is no secret that I'm a tad on the chubby side. I've decided to remedy that. I know everyone makes those weight loss resolutions and such, but I seriously think I can accomplish it. I set myself to it in high school, and actually lost some weight, but without careful attention I easily gained it all back (and then some). Contrary to what a lot of people believe, you can eat unheathily and be a vegetarian. Pastas, potatoes and potato chips, cookies...all vegetarian and all equally damaging if not eaten in moderation.

With that said, my current long time goal is to lose weight. I vow to eat healthier and engage in some sort of athletic activity three to five times a week. I don't have a specific number in mind, but I think I will realize it when I get there.